GATED driveway and GARAGE is located CLOSE to LOCAL amenities and approximately 10 minute drive to Dorchester town centre. The property offers spacious and light accommodation benefitting from THREE bedrooms PATIO doors from the living room to the GARDEN.
Ceiling light point, coved ceiling, smoke alarm, stairs to first floor, understair storage cupboard, wall mounted thermostat, telephone point, single radiator.
Front aspect opaque double glazed window, ceiling light point, coved ceiling, low level WC, wall mounted wash basin, single radiator, complementary tiling.
Two ceiling light points, coved ceiling, front aspect double glazed window, rear aspect double glazed french doors to rear garden, television point, telephone point, two single radiators.
Rear aspect double glazed window, rear aspect double glazed door to garden, roll top work surfaces with range of wall and base units, space for fridge/freezer, built in electric cooker and hob, 1 1/2 stainless steel single bowl drainer with chrome mixer, plumbing for washing machine, part tiled, wall mounted thermostat, single radiator, coved ceiling, inset spots.
Ceiling light point, loft hatch, smoke alarm, airing cupboard.
Front apsect double glazed window, ceiling light point, single radiator, built in wardrobes.
Ceiling light point, rear aspect double glazed window, built in wardrobes, television point, single radiator.
Rear aspect double glazed window, ceiling light point, telephone point.
Front aspect opaque double glazed window, white suite comprising paneled bath with chrome mixer, pedestal wash hand basin, low level WC, partly tiled, shaver point, single radiator, ceiling light point.
Laid to lawn with paved path.
Up and over door, side aspect door, storage, power and light. Drive with space for several cars.