An impressive three bedroom semi detached house situated in a fantastic location looking over Copperhouse Pool and the town. It has well proportioned accommodation and benefits from UPVC double glazing and Gas heating. There is a delightful garden and a garage/ workshop with parking outside it accessed off a rear lane.
In a sought after area of the town with views over Copperhouse pool, this impressive home offers generous living space which is well presented, delightful front and rear gardens along with a workshop and garage.
Travelling east through Hayle, turn left onto Jubilee Bridge at the North Quay and then take the sharp right turn up onto Clifton Terrace just before the new North Quay development. The property can be found about 300 yards along on the left.
To the front of the property is a parking area which is used but not owned by the property. To the far side of this is the cliff of the memorial walk. The residents of Clifton terrace are in dispute with Cornwall council as they have let the cliff below Clifton Terrace fall into disrepair. The front garden is enclosed, paved and is planted with mature shrubs including Rose, Lavender and Wisteria. Pedestrian access leads around the side of the property, where there is a covered storage area. Immediately behind the house is a Patio area with raised beds. Steps lead up from here to a further garden area. Shrubs include Acer, Clematis and Bamboo. There is a green house and a wood store. Steps lead up the workshop 19' 7'' x 10' 4'' (5.97m x 3.16m) and garage 10' 4'' x 20' 1'' (3.16m x 6.12m) narrowing to 16' 5' (5.01m) where there is an inspection pit, there is a former shower room 4' 10'' x 3' 7'' (1.47m x 1.09m). There is power and water connected and they open onto the rear access lane, where there is further parking.
Freehold. Mains water, drains, gas and electric. Council Tax Band D.
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